Natacha Kuete Meli - Personal Homepage

Since April 2024, I have held a position as a research assistant for quantum computer vision at the University of Siegen in the Computer Vision Group of Prof. Dr. Michael Möller, and I am co-supervised by Dr. Vladislav Golyanik, head of the 4D and Quantum Computer Vision Group at Max Planck Institute for Informatics. I received my PhD on quantum algorithms for image processing and my Master in computational life science from the University of Luebeck, both under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jan Lellmann. I received my Bachelor in computer science from the University of Dschang, under the supervision of Dr. Maurice Tchoupe Tchendji.

I specialize in quantum computing’s applications to image processing and computer vision. This involves developing quantum algorithms for a range of optimization problems, both combinatorial and non-combinatorial. Quantum computing offers a powerful solution to overcome challenges posed by non-convex energies, limited storage, and high computational demands, promising more accurate and cost-effective solutions for real-world problems.
